Who We Are
Since its inception the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was poised for a long, tumultuous and rewarding history. Although it may be possible to chronicle the challenging and harrowing legacy of the NAACP, the real story of the nation’s most significant civil rights organization lies in the hearts and minds of the people who would not stand still while the rights of some of America’s darker citizens were denied.
From the ballot box to the classroom, the dedicated workers, organizers, and leaders who forged this great organization and maintain its status as a champion of social justice, fought long and hard to ensure that the voices of African Americans would be heard. The legacy of those pioneers such as W.E.B DuBois, Thurgood Marshall and Roy Wilkins and the hundreds of thousands of nameless faces who worked tirelessly can not and must not be forgotten.

Meeting and Membership Information
The Goose Creek NAACP is back in-person at a new day and time.
We are now meeting on 4th Thursdays at the Goose Creek Community Center at 6:30 pm. 519A North Goose Creek Blvd.
For news and information on the activities, programs and civic engagements of the Goose Creek NAACP, please visit our website or join our mailing list. Our email is goosecreeknaacp@yahoo.com and contact number is 843-879-9360.
How to Join Goose Creek NAACP
Join today and become one the hundreds of thousands of NAACP Freedom Fighters across the globe! The work of the Association—equality and justice for all—depends on the support and participation of caring and progressive individuals like you. A stronger NAACP with a larger, more active membership is the best hope for protecting our freedom and advancing our rights.
For more information, visit our Membership page.
The Goose Creek Branch, Working Together
A Story in Photos